What’s on in November

IM4DC has a busy program in November and December with activities in Australia and Africa. Here’s a summary:

  • Mining Tax Design and Administration workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (with World Bank and African Minerals Development Centre)
  • Resource Conservation short course, Brisbane, Australia (with Indonesian Education and Training Centre for Minerals and Coal and other Asia Pacific participants)
  • Mineral Revenue study tour (with Indonesian Ministry of Finance and Australian Treasury)
  • Geotechnical and Environmental Management of Large Volume Waste short course, Kitwe, Zambia
  • Occupational Health and Safety Leadership short course, Perth, Australia
  • Zambia Alumni Day, Nairobi, Zambia
  • University of Ghana Mining Law Short course (supported by UWA Faculty of Law and IM4DC)
  • Fellowships involving participants from Mongolia, Myanmar and the Philippines.