The following demonstrate the breadth of research undertaken by The University of Western Australia and The University of Queensland researchers and higher degree by research students. 

Summary: Institutional and Political Frameworks of Environmental Licencing Processes
Full Report: Institutional and Political Frameworks of Environmental Licencing Processes
Researchers: Diana Arbelaez-Ruiz, Juan Mauricio Benavidez, Barbara Onate Santibanez, Rebekah Ramsay

Summary: The Global-Local Interface: Governance Dynamics for Sustainable Human Capital Capacity-Building in Columbian Mining Regions
Rsearcher: Isabel Buitrago
*Student report. Student top up grant. Data included in ongoing research activity.

Summary: Water Issues Associated with Mining in Developing Countries
Full Report: Water Issues Associated with Mining in Developing Countries
Researchers: Natasha Danoucaras, Sue Vink, Abdula Bansuan

Summary: Burma (Myanmar) Country Profile Extractives Summary
Researcher: David Allan
*Advice to government. Full report provided to Australian Aid as advice to government. 

Summary: Mining and Development in Indonesia: An Overview of the Regulatory Framework and Policies
Full Report: Mining and Development in Indonesia: An Overview of the Regulatory Framework and Policies
Researchers: Bernadetta Devi, Dody Prayogo

Summary: Mine Site Rehabilitation in Sierra Leone: A Rapid Appraisal of Selected Sites
Full Report: Mine Site Rehabilitation in Sierra Leone: A Rapid Appraisal of Selected Sites
Researchers: Daniel Franks, Peter Erskine

Summary: The Social and Economic Impact on the Resource Sector Job Stream in Papua New Guinea
Full Report: The Social and Economic Impact on the Resource Sector Job Stream in Papua New Guinea
Researchers: Colin Filer, Marjorie Andrew, Phillipa Carr, Benedict Imbun, Bill F. Sagir, Rosemary Benjamin, Casper Damien, Jennifer Krimbu, Deane Worobo

Summary: Sustainable Mining Development: New Curriculum Options for Community and Economic Development in Mining Contexts
Researchers: Paul Flatau, Elena Douglas, Catherine Pattenden, Julia Plavina, Mzamose Gondwe

Summary: Documenting Existing Legislation Governing Mine Waste Management in Target Countries
Researchers: Andy Fourie, James McIntosh, Graeme McIlveen

Summary: Integrated Sustainable Water Management in Mining for Development
Researchers: Abdula Bansuan, Sarah Goater, Natasha Danoucaras, Declan Hearne, Alycia Moore
Additional direction and support: Matthew Reddy, Sue Vink, Philipp Kirsch

Summary: Short Course in Occupational Health and Safety
Researchers: Mark Griffin, Karina Jorritsma, Sharon Parker, Melinda Hodkiewicz and others
*Course development. Development of course content for ongoing education program.

Summary: Negotiation Supportive Initiative: Steering Committee Meeting Report
Researcher: Jill Howieson
*Advice to government. Full report provided to Australian Aid as advice to government. 

Summary: Options Paper for Extractive Industries: Negotiation Skills Training Program for Africans in Africa: Scoping Mission Report
Researchers: Jill Howieson, Leanne Howie
*Advice to government. Full report provided to Australian Aid as advice to government. 

Summary: Regional Development and Mining: Training Module
Researchers: Paul Huddleston, Matthew Tonts, Veronica Huddleston, Sarah Prout, Julian Clifton
*Course development. Development of course content for ongoing education program.

Summary: Mining Regulation and Policy Course
Researcher: John Chandler
*Course development. Development of course content for ongoing education program.

Summary: Mining and Health in Development
Researchers: Phillipp Kirsch, Raechel LaBouchardiere, Paul Jagals

Summary: Application of Multi-isotope Techniques to Elucidate Source, Transport and Release of Contaminants by Acid Mine Drainage
Researcher: Phong Pham
*Student report. Student top up grant. Data included in ongoing research activity.