Through a targeted program of action research, IM4DC is strengthening the capability of developing countries to support mining for development.
Action Research activities are aligned with IM4DC core themes and strategic programming areas. The IM4DC Action Reseach program has three core objectives:
- To underpin education program offerings that effectively target the needs of priority countries
- To enable the delivery of tailored research and associated advice for developing countries, responding to important priorities identified through interaction with participants in the overall Mining for Development program
- To support research activities by postgraduate research students and IM4DC Fellows, and enhance links with supervisors or researchers at institutions in students’/ fellows’ home countries.
The IM4DC Action Research program funds projects through three elements:
- An internal scheme where funding is allocated on a competitive basis for proposals submitted by Centres and Schools across The University of Western Australia and The University of Queensland
- Discretionary funds allocated to specific issues as required
- Top-up funding designed to support post-graduate students from developing countries with projects focused on mining issues to enhance and expand their research activity.
Through interaction with Australian Aid and research institutions, IM4DC ensures that research compliments research undertaken under the Australian Development Research Awards and Australia Award Scholarships. IM4DC seeks avenues to involve both Australian universities and institutions in developing countries in the Action Research program.
Action Research reports available here