IM4DC upcoming courses

Geographical Information Systems course in Zambia

In January 2014, IM4DC will be holding a course focused on practical and effective integration of geoscience, geographical and cadastral data in GIS systems. 

Taking place in Lusaka, Zambia, the two-week program will involve a group of up to 25 participants from government and academic institutions in Africa.

The aim of the program is to introduce the geographical information systems (GIS) in the resources sector. It will address the introduction and review of GIS in geology and environmental science, geographic analyses, remote sensing, spatial statistics, GIS data acquisition and storage, and GIS (geology) data standards. 

Read more about the course here:

Australian short course on Regional Development for Resource Regions

A four-week short course in Western Australia, focused on Regional Development for Resource Regions will take place in February 2014.

Organised by IM4DC, the program will focus on how developing areas can enhance the economic and social benefits from mining. It will give explicit consideration to – regional investment, employment generations, enterprise development, local firm integration in resource projects, infrastructure and service deployment, landholder management and regional governance. 

One week of the program will consist of field trips to mine sites in Kalgoorlie and the South-West, with case studies being represented throughout. Participants will also be introduced to various mining databases and utilities statistics. 

Read more about the course here: