In April 2015, IM4DC will host a study tour that focuses on approaches to the provision of mining-related infrastructure that facilitates good development outcomes for all stakeholders.
Timely provision of infrastructure to support both mining and other economic development is critical to ensuring economic and social benefits flow from development of natural resources.
Taking place in Western Australia, the study tour will engage up to 25 government representatives from Africa and the Asia Pacific.
The program will provide participants with:
- An overview of the types of infrastructure required by large mining and energy operations – and associates communities and small business – including developed land, energy, water, roads, rail, ports, airports, and community infrastructure and support services such as education, health and housing
- Understanding of the various financing models that can support government efforts to develop such infrastructure, including government funding, public-private partnerships and private investment models
- Appreciation of government roles in the development of mining-related infrastructure, including facilitating private sector investment and providing suitable regulatory, planning and community development frameworks.
During the three-week study tour, participants will have the opportunity to hear presentations from a range of senior government representatives, industry personnel and other experts on all aspects of infrastructure planning and development. Participants will take part in an extensive field visit to the Pilbara region, visiting key locations illustrating various aspects of mining infrastructure. They will also participate in an IM4DC Alumni Forum and the Mining for Development Conference with representatives from a range of countries and stakeholder groups.
The program is designed for senior officials from government departments and agencies with roles relating to the planning and development of infrastructure in mining regions, as well as relevant individuals from academia and industry associations. Women working in relevant roles in the resources sector have been particularly encouraged to participate.
Participation will be by nomination through IM4DC partners in focus countries.