The Mining for Development Conference featured a number of international and Australian speakers in the mining for development field.
Ian Satchwell, Director, IM4DC, Australia
Speaker and host
Ian has been Director of IM4DC since its inception in 2011. His career spans 28 years in industry and development policy, operating at the business-government-community interface with professional experience in Australia, Asia, Africa and Latin-America. Prior to his IM4DC role he held senior roles in national economics consultancy firms, advising industry and government on issues relating to resources development and infrastructure; and management positions within minerals and energy industry bodies. His board-level experience includes three other business associations where he has been closely involved in policy development and strategy design, with particular emphasis on investment, trade, infrastructure and regional development. Ian is a former member of the Board of Directors of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia and has held the role of National President of the Australia Indoneis Business Council.
Brendan Berne, First Assistant Secretary Trade, Investment and Economic Diplomacy Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
Opening remarks
Breandan is First Assistant Secretary Trade, Investment and Economic Diplomacy Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Prior to his current appointment this year, his DFAT positions included Assistant Secretary, Investment and Economics Branch, Deputy Head of Mission, Australian Embassy, Seoul, Assistant Secretary, APEC, and positions in relations to trade and economics. He previously worked in the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation and the Reserve Bank of Australia, and has a Master of Economics Degree from the Australian National Univerity.
Professor Kent Anderson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Community and Engagement), The University of Western Australia, Australia
Opening remarks
Professor Anderson is an international lawyer specialising in Asian law. He joined the University of Western Australia as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Community & Engagement) in 2014. Before joining UWA, Kent was Pro Vice Chancellor (International) at University of Adelaide and before that dean of the then Faculty of Asian Studies at the Australian National University. Prior to settling in Australia, Kent was associate professor of law at Hokkaido University, a commercial lawyer in Hawaii, and an airline marketer in Alaska. He is on the New Colombo Plan Advisory Board and previously chaired the AsiaBound advisory committee.
Professor Monique Skidmore, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International), The University of Queensland, Australia
Opening remarks
Professor Monique Skidmore joined UQ in March 2014, as Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (International).
As a member of the senior management group, Professor Skidmore has university-wide portfolio responsibility for international development, policy and strategy at The University of Queensland. Functions under her direct management include UQ International and the Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education.
Professor Skidmore brings to the position significant academic and senior leadership experience, most recently as Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International and Major Projects) at the University of Canberra and adjunct professor at Australian National University. Before that she was the University of Canberra’s Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design.
She has also held academic and research positions at McGill University, the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University, and was a Rockefeller Visiting Fellow at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, USA. She has won several international grants awards for her research, including a Wenner-Gren dissertation fieldwork grant, the HBM Murphy International Prize for Medical Anthropology, Australian Research Council grants and Deans Honours for her PhD. Her academic expertise is in the field of international relations, politics and government.
Professor Skidmore has a BSc and BA (Hons) in anthropology from the Australian National University, as well as an MA and PhD in Medical Anthropology from McGill University in Canada.
Lesley Siowi, Environmental Scientist, Department of Mining, Autonomous Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
Alumni representative
Lesley graduated from the University of Papua New Guinea with a bachelor in Science (BSc) majoring in Environmental Science. She joined the newly established Department of Mining in Bougainville in 2007 and was initially sent to train and work with organisations such as the Department of Mineral Policy and Hazard Management, the Mineral Resources Authority and Newcrest Mining Limited. Within her Autonomous Bougainville Government Mining department, Lesley works for the Policy and Regulatory branch, where they are focussed on establishing our mining policies, legislation and environment legislation.
Joanne Farrell, Global Head of Health, Environment Safety and Communities, Rio Tinto Group, Australia
Keynote speaker: Shared goals – realising benefits / Panellist: Engage leaders and develop networks and capacity
Joanne has worked in the mining industry since 1981. She has a Bachelor degree in Science, majoring in Psychology and Economics from the University of Western Australia and a Graduate Diploma in Management from Curtin University.
She is currently Global Head of Health, Safety, Security Environment and Communities (HSSEC) for the Rio Tinto group. Joanne is a Board Member of Energy Resources Australia and is also on the Board of the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA), and an Advisory Council member for Central Institute of Technology. In addition she is a member of Chief Executive Women.
Her career in the mining industry has included human resources, health, safety, environment and communities roles in Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland as well as the United Kingdom and the USA. Prior to joining the mining Industry she worked as an economist in the Western Australian Public Service.
As recognition of her commitment in encouraging and facilitating the progress of women in the mining industry, Joanne was awarded the 2012 Women in Resources Champion by the Chamber of Minerals & Energy WA.
Professor Saleem Ali, Director of the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining and Professor of Politics and International Studies, The University of Queensland, Australia
Facilitator: Engage leaders and develop networks and capacity
In addition to his role at UQ, Saleem is also Adjunct Professor of Environmental Planning at the University of Vermont in the US. His research focuses on environmental conflicts in the extractive industries and how ecological cooperation can promote peace in international relations. He is the author of three sole authored books including “Treasures of the Earth: Need, Greed and a Sustainable Future,” (published by Yale University Press), and Environmental Diplomacy (with Lawrence Susskind, Oxford Univ. Press). Professor Ali was chosen as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2011 and received an Emerging Explorer award from the National Geographic Society in 2010, and has since then also been a member of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas. He received his doctorate in Environmental Planning from MIT, a Master’s degree in Environmental Studies from Yale University and Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Tufts University.
Jelson Garcia, Asia Pacific Director, National Resource Governance Institute, Indonesia
Panellist: Engage leaders and develop networks and capacity
Jakarta based, Jelson joined the Natural Resource Governance Institute in February 2015. He leads the design and implementation of regional strategy to advance local, regional and international reform efforts in the governance of oil, gas and mining industries.
Jelson has 18 years’ experience managing research, policy advocacy, problem project campaigns, training and community development in natural resource governance, development and climate finance, peacebuilding, agrarian reform and rural development. Before NRGI, Jelson was Program Director Asia, for the Bank Information Centre focussing on environmental and social safeguards, accountability, transparency, energy, private sector lending standards of IFI’s and supporting communities and civil society organisations in their campaigns for human rights protection, accountability and reconsideration of coal, mining, land reform, water, airport and high-risk energy infrastructure projects. His career spans NGOs, grassroots organisations, and the Office of the Philippine President. Jelson attended Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia for his BA in Anthropology and Comparative Sociology and the University of the Philippines for his masters studies in Anthropology. He is a Board Director of Earthrights International and advises several advocacy groups in Myanmar and Asia.
Sheyla Palomino Ore, Geoscientist Researcher, Geological Mining and Metallurgical Institute, Energy and Mines Ministry, Peru
Panellist: Engage leaders and develop networks and capacity
Sheyla graduated in Sanitary Engineering from the National University of Engineering, Peru with four years of experience. She has participated in the design of drinking water systems for mining projects and geo-environmental research studies; these studies focusing on integrating studies of the geo-environmental aspects and mining activities. In the last year, one of these projects received IM4DC support with the participation of Australian specialists. Sheyla is part of the team that works in the geochemistry characterisation of abandoned mines as part of the National Program of remediation of environmental mining liabilities in Peru and she is the current National Representative from Young Earth Scientists Network (YES), Peru chapter.
Kitty Hamilton, Development Program Manager, Hope for Children, Australia
Facilitator: Empower agents of change to improve people’s lives
Kitty has more than 7 years’ experience in community development, policy dialogue and stakeholder engagement in Africa and Asia. Her most recent work has been in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where she established a grassroots human trafficking prevention and rehabilitation program for Hope for Children – an affiliate of Andrew & Nicola Forrest’s Minderoo Foundation. Kitty works closely with communities affected by human trafficking, as well as local and regional stakeholders including the African Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, the UN’s International Organisation for Migration and the Government of Ethiopia and neighbouring countries on policy dialogue to establish country and regional solutions to the transnational crime. Kitty has a Masters degree in International Relations, specialising in China-Mongolia energy relations and majoring in Mandarin from Peking University in Beijing. Kitty’s interest in sustainable development was sparked during her one-year scholarship with the Australian Youth Ambassador for Development program in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. She is currently studying at UQ’s Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining.
The Hon. Joe Sungi, Vice Minister Provincial Affairs and Member of Parliament for Nuku Open, Papua New Guinea
Panellist: Empower agents of change to improve people’s lives
In addition to his current roles, Vice Minister Sungi is the Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Bougainville, a member of the Parliamentary Committee on Public Works and a member of Parliamentary Oversight Committee on the Organic Law Review. From 2002 until 2011, he was the Provincial Administrator of West Sepik Province, having been Deputy for four years prior. The Vice Minister began his career as an agricultural extension officer at West Sepik Administration, before working as a cocoa agronomist at the PNG Cocoa and Coconut Research Institute. He went on to become the District Rural Development Officer with West Sepik Administration (1990-1993), Provincial Export Crops Officer (1993-1996) and Provincial Agricultural Adviser (1996-1998). He holds a Masters in Development Management from the Asian Institute of Management, Philippines and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture from The University of Papua New Guinea.
Troy Hey, Executive General Manager – Stakeholder Relations, MMG Limited, Australia
Panellist: Empower agents of change to improve people’s lives
Troy joined MMG in April 2011 and was appointed Executive General Manager – Stakeholder Relations in August 2013. In his role, Troy oversees government, investor, sustainability and stakeholder relations issues for MMG’s projects and operations in DRC, Las PDR, Australia, Peru and Canada.
Troy has over 20 years of experience in Sustainability and External Affairs in the mining, aviation, gaming and beverages industry. He began his career in economic and public policy consultancy at the Allen Consulting Group and Australian Centre for Corporate Public Affairs. Troy has dual degrees in Law and Commerce from the University of Melbourne.
Mwiya Mwandawande, National Coordinator, Extractive Industry Transparency Alliance and Consultant, Fair Green Global Project Action Aid, Zambia
Panellist: Empower agents of change to improve people’s lives
Mwiya is a Community Mining Environmental Activist; he is currently a Consultant with the Action Aid Zambia Fair Green Project. He is also the National Coordinator for the Extractive Industry Transparency Alliance a Network of Civil Society and Community Based Organisations working on Natural Resources Governance and Environmental Justice.
Mwiya is a trained Sociologist and Environmentalist with over 10 years’ Experience in Communities and Mining Engagements. He has carried out research in community mining engagement in Zambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana.
EITA is member of the Publish What You Pay Chapter in Zambia and the International Alliance on Natural Resources in Africa. Mwiya recently participated in Training on Mining Taxation and Administration organised by the IM4DC in South Africa. He therefore brings immense knowledge with subject the on Communities and Mining Engagements.
Michelle Andrews, Deputy Director General, Strategic Policy, Government of Western Australia, Department of Mines and Petroleum, Australia
Facilitator: Influence legislation, policy and practice to achieve lasting benefits
Michelle was appointed to her current position in July 2011. Michelle has more than 25 years’ experience in the State Government and has developed an extensive network of contacts with a track record of negotiating outcomes with industry and peak bodies, contributing to major project approvals, reforming approval processes, establishing the Office of the Environmental Protection and providing policy advice to several Environment Ministers. In her role, Michelle is focussed on improving the way the department works with other government agencies, industry and community groups, and is leading fundamental changes in the department’s policy development and stakeholder engagement activities.
The Hon. Peter Lokeris, Minister of State, Mineral Development, Uganda
Panellist: Influence legislation, policy and practice to achieve lasting benefits
The Hon. Peter Lokeris has been the Minister of State for 17 years, Presidential advisor on security, Special District Administrator, Treasurer, Chief Accountant, and Auditor. He has attained awards of excellence from various institutions and attended conferences and seminars abroad and in throughout Uganda. Minister Lokeris has a Master of Science (Marketing); Masters in Peace and Conflict and Management and a Bachelor of Commerce from Makerere University. He also has a Finance Officers Diploma from the Institute of Public Administration, Kampala.
Dianne Aikung-Hombhanje, Principal Legal Counsel/ Board Secretary, Mineral Resources Authority, Papua New Guinea
Panellist: Influence legislation, policy and practice to achieve lasting benefits
Dianne graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Papua New Guinea in 2002. She joined the Mineral Resources Authority, which is the national regulator of mineral exploration and mining’ in Papua New Guinea, in 2008.
Prior to joining the MRA she worked in the Department of Justice & Attorney General (Village Courts Secretariat) on a Government PNG/UNICEF Project called ‘Women & Children’s Access to Community Justice’.
Professor Mark Griffin, Director of the Centre for Safety, The University of Western Australia, Australia
Panellist: Influence legislation, policy and practice to achieve lasting benefits
Mark Griffin is Professor of Organisational Psychology and Director of the Centre for Safety at the University of Western Australia. He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Psychology and is a Fellow of the US Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology and Past Chair of the research methods division of the US Academy of Management. Mark has managed large-scale organisational studies in areas such as leadership, safety, work performance, organisational climate, and work stress. He has developed a range of assessment tools that have been used by companies in Australia, Europe, UK, US and Asia.
Professor Marcia Langton, Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies Centre for Health Equity, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Keynote speaker: Alumni Forum / Panellist: Influence legislation, policy and practice to achieve lasting benefits
Professor Marcia Langton AM PhD Macq U, BA (Hons) ANU, FASSA has forty years of experience in Indigenous affairs at the community, regional and national level and has specialised in Indigenous agreements with the mining industry and resource sector through the Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements research projects ( Her other research concerns Indigenous relationships with place, land tenure and legal recognition in Australia. She has contributed to Indigenous policy, and recently was an adviser to Andrew Forrest’s Review of Indigenous Employment and Training. She is the Professor of Australian Indigenous Studies at The University of Melbourne, and serves on a number of boards, including as Chairperson of Guma ICRG JV Pty Ltd, as a director of Indigenous Construction Resource Group Pty Ltd, and is Co-Chair of Cape York Partnership.
Awarded B.A. (Hons) from the Australian National University and a PhD from Macquarie University, she is an anthropologist and geographer, and often called upon to give expert advice by Indigenous groups, companies and governments on native title and resource issues, social issues and Indigenous management of land and resources. She is a Fellow of Trinity College, Melbourne, a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, and a member of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.
Professor Paul Flatau, Director of The University of Western Australia Centre for Social Impact, Australia
Program chair and closing remarks
Professor Paul Flatau commenced as the Chair in Social Investment and Impact and Director of the UWA Centre for Social Impact (UWA CSI) in December 2010.
In that role Paul undertakes teaching, research and public engagement activities in the areas of social finance, social innovation, and the measurement of the economic and social impact of activities and programs. He has worked closely with the corporate, government, philanthropic and third (not-for-profit) sectors, in a collaborative effort to build community capacity and to measure the social impact of activity including the mining industry. He has been engaged closely with the IM4DC over the past four years. He has over 60 publications in applied economics and has made significant contributions to the analysis of social and economic outcomes and social impact and the effectiveness of programs and interventions.
Richard Slattery, Deputy Director – Operations and Business Development, IM4DC, Australia
Wrap up and thanks
Richard was appointed Deputy Director – Operations and Business Development in 2012. He is responsible for the operational management of IM4DC’s financial, human and infrastructure resources. Richard brings extensive development program experience and previously worked with AusAID in a number of high level roles advising government on a broad range of issues. Prior to joining IM4DC, Richard was based in Papua New Guinea as a Development Specialist for AusAID’s Sub National Program where his work was focused on engaging with the aid program that looked at Papua New Guinea’s decentralised system and sub national levels of government and administration. His other AusAID roles included working as a Provincial Program Specialist where he was responsible for establishing the AusAID office in Provincial Papua New Guinea. He has also worked with a number of units within AusAID including the Strategic Policy and Coordination Unit and the Civil Society Unit. In these roles, Richard was closely involved with local stakeholder liaison and in developing, managing and monitoring development assistance activities. Richard has a solid understanding of policy and contract development and has worked with a number of country programs and in the design and evaluation of a range of development programs.