In 2012, the Conference was held in a one day Roundtable format. Hosted by the International Mining for Development Centre on 27 August 2012 in Perth, Western Australia, the Mining for Development Roundtable formed part of an on-going commitment to building international relationships and exchanging knowledge of leading-practice approaches to mining for development.
The one day Roundtable was designed to review the performance of mining in generating economic benefits and facilitating social progress in developing countries, and to identify the themes and principles required to guide future policy and practice.
The Roundtable provided a forum for governments, industry, civil society, universities and international donors to talk frankly about the opportunities and challenges that the mining sector presents to developing countries.
With an audience of more than 120 attendees from around the world, including participants from South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, Niger, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Canada and Australia, the Roundtable provided a valuable opportunity for participants to:
- Share knowledge and experience – of both leading practice in, and shortcomings of, mining in developing countries
- Discuss strategies for mining to help to achieve broad-based economic growth and poverty reduction in developing countries
- Identify needs for capacity building, and
- Develop and strengthen networks.
Through facilitated workshop sessions, participants were able to gain a stronger understanding of opportunities and challenges in relation to:
- Assessing the outcomes of mining for development to date, its successes and shortcomings
- Identifying leading approaches to mining for development, focusing on infrastructure and local economic development, and
- Building a consensus on some of the key steps needed to build success in mining for development.
The Roundtable offered a mix of presentations, panel sessions and group discussions. Each speaker and a number of participants from the floor gave their perspectives on the role of mining in development, initiatives that are being implemented, success and shortcomings to date and what needs to be done to achieve success.