IM4DC hosts Indonesian Mineral Revenue study tour

IM4DC, in collaboration with the Australian Treasury, hosted a delegation from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in November to examine Australian approaches to mining-related taxation.

The Government of Indonesia views Australia as a leading practice nation in revenue design and management within overall mining policy, and is keen to take lessons from Australia in improving its own policies and systems.

The delegation undertook a program of meetings with university personnel, industry representatives and Western Australian government agencies involved in minerals revenue policy and administration. Site visits to mining and mineral processing operations south of Perth and in Kalgoorlie provided context.

Topics covered throughout the study tour included:

  • The Australian mining industry and resource development policies
  • Mineral revenue systems in Australia
  • Mineral royalties design and valuation principles
  • Issues relating to the administration of corporate income tax and common fiscal incentives for mining
  • Maximising economic value from mining.

IM4DC thanks the Department of Finance and Department of Mines and Petroleum, plus the Chamber of Minerals and Energy, Alcoa and KCGM for sharing expertise and experience with delegation members.