Stakeholder Engagement
IM4DC works with Australian and international organisations on needs analysis and scoping studies for priority countries, consulting with stakeholders from government, civil society, universities and research institutions, and industry and donor organisations.
Integrated, Complementary and Tailored
IM4DC’s program integrates multiple activities that are agreed with national and regional governments in focus countries and tailored to meet their priority needs. IM4DC activities complement other energy, minerals and development activities.
Efficient and Effective
IM4DC seeks to deliver high quality capacity building activities that deliver value for money outcomes. It operates efficiently and effectively with accountability to partner institutions in developing countries, Australia’s aid program, and UWA and UQ.
Education and Training Focus
IM4DC activities focus on the core university strengths of knowledge formation, education and training and institutional partnerships to build human capacity and to strengthen institutions. IM4DC engages university and industry-based policy and technical capabilities to support development through research, fellowships and advice to government. It harnesses the knowledge and skills of Australian and international education and research institutions to access leading practice across all themes and activities.
In-Country Capacity Building
The IM4DC program enables ongoing strengthening of mining governance beyond the life of IM4DC, by transferring capability to in-country and in-region institutions through partnerships in research, joint development and delivery of courses, and fellowships for senior staff.
High Ethical Standards
IM4DC applies high standards of ethics and probity to all of its activities and advocates similar standards in mining governance.