IM4DC Alumni Day in Ghana

The value of Australian-sponsored capacity-building in mining governance was highlighted in Accra, Ghana in February by the presence of the Hon Nii Osah Mills, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources at the IM4DC Alumni Day.

This was the third national alumni day in a row organised by IM4DC to be attended by a Minister or Vice Minister of the host country.

More than 80 Ghanaians who have previously participated in Australian-funded training and capacity building programs, including IM4DC, the Australia-Africa Partnerships Facility (AAPF) and the Australia Awards for Africa (AAA) program met on 3 February to exchange ideas on new initiatives and best practice in Ghana’s mining sector.

The one-day forum hosted by IM4DC, with support from the Australian Government’s High Commission in Accra, provided alumni the opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and share experiences and dialogues on the theme ‘Collaboration for change: mineral resources for shared prosperity’.

Minister Mills called on the mining sector to ensure inter-generational equity, active stakeholder participation and monitoring of local development.

He said the sector must consider the future environmental, health and safety impacts associated with mining, ensure active stakeholder participation and transparent monitoring, auditing and reporting on development and resource allocations to local government.

The Minister thanked IM4DC and the Australian mining community for their capacity-building exercises and partnership.

Throughout the day, alumni had the opportunity to provide feedback on the impact of Mining for Development activities, and identify potential new research and education collaborations, strengthen existing partnerships and provide recommendations on future mining for development capacity-building priorities and delivery modes.

Other notable speakers including Dr Toni Aubynn, Chief Executive Officer of Ghana’s Minerals Commission, and Dr Valerio Bosco of the Addis Ababa-based African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC).

In her opening remarks, Ms Zabeta Moutafis, Australian Head of Development Cooperation for West Africa said “this event brings together talented alumni to share ideas and encourage each other to apply the expertise, skills and relationships built through this assistance to contribute to the broader development of Ghana to improve economic development and standards of living.”