The International Mining for Development Centre (IM4DC) finishes its activities on 30 June at the end of its grant agreement, after three years and eight months of intense activity. The Alumni Network continues under The University of Western Australia and The University of Queensland auspices, supported by the Australian Government. IM4DC is proud to have […]
From the team at IM4DC – we thank you!
All of us at the IM4DC secretariat extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of IM4DC’s partners for their support along our journey over the past three years and eight months. During this time, IM4DC and its partners have developed a unique platform to support developing nations to realise social and economic development from […]
Zambia mining industry tax regimes stakeholder dialogue
Zambia Mining for Development Alumni (ZAM4D), with support from IM4DC will hold a one-day stakeholder dialogue on 30 June in Kitwe, Zambia. In 2015, Zambia proposed a new mining tax which investors perceived as being unfriendly. The new government has since repealed this mining tax, however there are still mixed feelings especially from investors claiming […]
Delivery partners critical to capacity-building
IM4DC has depended on a large number of partners from across the mining governance spectrum to deliver all of its capacity-building activities. Organisations and individuals from business, government, NGOs and universities have enthusiastically provided expertise at short courses and workshops, opened their operations to study tours, collaborated in research, developed institutional linkages and hosted IM4DC […]
Q and A with an IM4DC Fellow – Dr Sizwe Phakathi of the Chamber of Mines of South Africa
In recent months, several IM4DC Fellows have undertaken extended activities in Australia to conduct research and build knowledge in key aspects of mining for development. One such Fellow is Dr Sizwe Phakathi, Deputy Head: Safety and Sustainable Development with the Chamber of Mines of South Africa. Sizwe travelled to Perth, Western Australia to undertake a […]
IM4DC mine waste landform management and closure workshop in the Philippines
During June, IM4DC hosted an eight-day short course in the Philippines for 36 Mines and Geoscience Bureau (MGB) staff, focused on the design and monitoring of tailings facilities, followed by a two-day workshop on numerical modelling of tailings facilities, for a smaller audience of 18 MGB staff and five academics from the University of the […]
Mineral resource estimation workshop in Mongolia
More than 50 professionals active in the Mongolian resources sector gathered in Ulaanbaatar on 4 and 5 June to participate in a workshop on the Mongolian Reporting Code (MRC) – Estimation and Good Practice. The workshop was organised by the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) in partnership with the Mongolian Professional Institute for […]
IM4DC Alumni Days in Indonesia and Mongolia
In May and June, IM4DC hosted alumni days in both Indonesia and Mongolia for alumni from Australian-funded mining governance training and capacity building programs, including IM4DC. The one-day forums provided alumni the opportunity to provide feedback on the impact of mining for development activities, and identify potential new research and education collaborations, strengthen existing partnerships […]
APEC Symposium discusses how to build strong mining services sectors
Participants from nine APEC economies attended an IM4DC-supported APEC Symposium ‘Good Policy and Regulatory Practices for Facilitating Trade and Investment in Mining and Energy Services’ at The University of Western Australia in June. The 30 delegates discussed the symbiotic linkages between mining and energy, and the services sector. Services enhance the economic benefits from mining […]
Message from the Director: Impact and sustainability are what matters most
The mission of IM4DC is to support resource-rich developing countries to transform their extractive resource endowment into inclusive and sustainable economic growth and social development. Previous editions of eNews have highlighted IM4DC delivery statistics in our three and a half years of existence. IM4DC has met or exceeded most of the KPIs set for it […]
IM4DC faculty reflection workshop
As part of its comprehensive monitoring and evaluation process, IM4DC hosted a one-day workshop in conjunction with the Mining for Development Conference in Perth, to reflect upon progress to date and lessons learned. The workshop participants included educators and researchers from both IM4DC host universities – The University of Western Australia (UWA) and The University […]
IM4DC Alumni Days in Indonesia and Mongolia
During May and June, IM4DC will host alumni days in Indonesia and Mongolia for alumni from Australian-funded mining governance training and capacity building programs, including IM4DC. They are delivered in close collaboration with local alumni coordinating committees in each country. The one-day forums will provide alumni the opportunity to provide feedback on the impact of […]
Q and A with an IM4DC Fellow – Elias Mutelani
In recent months, several IM4DC Fellows have undertaken extended activities in Australia to conduct research and build knowledge in key aspects of mining for development. One such Fellow is Elias Mutelani, a Resident Mines Officer with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals in Tanzania. As part of his IM4DC Fellowship, Elias travelled to Perth, Western […]
Alumni return-to-work plans reflect diversity of governance priorities
As part of each of IM4DC’s short courses, participants are required to prepare a return-to-work plan and present them to course faculty and peers. Through the Alumni Management Program, each alumnus is followed up at six weeks and six months following the course. This process enables IM4DC to evaluate the effectiveness of learning and implementation […]
Transferring knowledge workshop: leading practices to obtain social consensus in the extractive sector
The Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining at the Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, will be running an IM4DC-commissioned ‘Transferring Knowledge Workshop’ in Peru in late May, in collaboration with University of San Marcos (UNSM). The workshop will focus on leading practices to obtain social consensus in the extractive sector. In recent years, […]
Resource conservation workshop in Indonesia
IM4DC is partnering with the Indonesian Education and Training Center for Minerals and Coal to present a workshop in Indonesia, focusing on ‘resource conservation’. Held in Bandung, the workshop addresses the legislated Mines Inspector Competency for resource conservation. The workshop is part of a joint project for development and design of a curriculum and online […]
Public private partnerships for community development and empowerment workshop
A workshop on public private partnerships for community development and empowerment is part of a collaborative research program between the Directorate General of Minerals and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) in Indonesia and the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM), at the Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland. […]
Mining for Development Alumni Forum and Conference 2015
A total of 148 delegates from 23 countries gathered in Perth, Western Australia last month to hear from IM4DC Alumni global experts, academics, industry and community leaders, to share their knowledge and experiences, discuss critical issues and build networks in mining for development. The events were the annual Mining for Development Alumni Forum and Conference […]
Message from the Director: Activity and impact in minerals and energy governance
Building capacity in governance of minerals and energy is demonstrably some of the most effective foreign aid that Australia can provide. Australia has globally-leading mining knowledge, technology, management and approaches to sustainability – and Australian institutions and companies are very willing to share their knowledge with developing country partners. Australia also has incentive: Australian companies […]
Assessment of IM4DC impact
Research has found that IM4DC programs have enabled alumni to translate learning into practice and to bring about positive changes to their work and organisations. The research was conducted by The Accelerated Learning Laboratory (ALL) at The University of Western Australia. ALL consolidated data from two research studies and online surveys. ALL found that participants […]