Australia-Africa Local Supplier Development in Mining, Oil and Gas Forum

The first Australia-Africa Local Supplier Development Forum will take place in Perth at the Frasers Function Centre, Kings Park on Wednesday 21 March.

This Local Supplier Development Forum will share and promote leading industry practice in building capability and competitiveness of SMEs operating in resource regions in both Africa and Australia.

Hosted by IM4DC, in conjunction with AusAID’s Australia-Africa Partnership Facility, this Forum will be a unique opportunity for participants to share knowledge and experience with a delegation of over 30 representatives from government, industry and other stakeholders from eight African countries including Ghana, Mozambique, Zambia and Kenya.

Through facilitated discussions and presentations, participants will gain a stronger understanding of opportunities and challenges in relation to:

  • Industry-led supplier development initiatives
  • Partnerships with government, implementation partners, other industry and large suppliers
  • Policies and practices that align industry supplier development with sustainable regional economic development

Forum participants can look forward to hearing from both national and international speakers present, including international keynote speaker Nick van Rensburg, Managing Director of Anglo American Zimele.