Australian universities, education and training and research institutions
Australia-Africa Universities Network
Australian National University
- ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
- School of Culture History and Language
- Crawford School of Public Policy
- Development Policy Centre
- ANU College of Law
- Australian Centre for Dialogue
- ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
- State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Program
Central Institute of Technology
Central Queensland University
Crawford Fund
- Queensland Centre for Advanced Technologies
- Mineral Resources Flagship, Resources in Society Group
Curtin University
- Western Australian School of Mines
- Curtin Graduate School of Business
Eastern Goldfields College
Emergency Response Group Training, Western Australia
Goldfields Institute of Technology
International Water Centre (The University of Queensland, The University of Western Australia, Griffith University, Monash University)
Minerals Tertiary Education Council
Mining Education Australia
Murdoch University
- Africa Research Group
Pawsey Supercomputing Centre (CSIRO, Curtin University, Murdoch University, UWA, NCRIS)
The University of Melbourne
- Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
The University of New South Wales,
- Faculty of Engineering
- Australian Centre for Sustainable Mining Practices
- Faculty of Science
- Institute of Environmental Studies
- Climate Change Research Centre
The University of Queensland
- Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
- TC Beirne School of Law
- UQ Business School
- Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and IT
- School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
- School of Civil Engineering
- Faculty of Science
- School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management
- Institute for Social Science Research
- UQ International Development
- Sustainable Minerals Institute
- Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation
- Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
- Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry
- Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre
- Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre
- WH Bryan Mining and Geology Research Centre
The University of Sydney
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Graduate School of Government
University of Technology Sydney
- Faculty of Law
The University of Western Australia
- Centre for English Language Teaching
- Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (with Monash University, The University of Queensland and others)
- Energy and Minerals Institute
- Faculty of Arts
- Centre for Muslim States and Societies
- Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
- School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering
- School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
- Australian Centre for Geomechanics (UWA and CSIRO)
- Faculty of Law
- The Law School
- Centre for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law
- Faculty of Science
- Accelerated Learning Laboratory
- Centre for Safety
- School of Earth and Environment
- Centre for Exploration Targeting (UWA and Curtin University)
- School of Plant Biology
- Centre for Forensic Science
- School of Indigenous Studies
- UWA Business School
- AIM WA and UWA Business School Executive Education
- Centre for Social Impact
- Management and Organisations group
- ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Australian federal and state and local government agencies
Australian Government
- Australia Africa Awards
- Australia Africa Partnerships Facility
- Australian Government Missions in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America
- Australian Trade Commission
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:
- Australia-Africa Partnerships Facility
- Australia Awards – Africa
- Australia-Mongolia Extractives Program
- Australian Heads of Mission and staff in Africa, Asia and Latin America
- Trade, Investment and Economic Diplomacy Division
- Department of Industry and Science
- Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
- Department of Treasury
- Regional Development Australia Fitzroy and Central West
Government of New South Wales and local government
- NSW Trade and Investment, Division of Resources and Energy
- Muswellbrook Shire Council
Government of Queensland and local government
- Central Highlands Regional Council
- Charters Towers Regional Council
- Department of Energy and Water Supply
- Department of Natural Resources and Mines
- Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
- Gladstone Ports Corporation
- Gladstone Regional Council
- Ipswich City Council
- Queensland Treasury
- Coordinator General
- Simtars
- Trade and Investment Queensland
Government of Western Australia and local government
- AgWest
- Australian Marine Complex
- Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority
- Dampier Port Authority
- Department of Agriculture and Food
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Finance
- Department of Mines and Petroleum
- Department of Planning
- Department of State Development
- Department of Training and Workforce Development
- Department of Transport
- Department of Treasury
- Department of Water
- Esperance Ports Sea and Land
- Fremantle Ports
- Goldfields Esperance Development Commission
- Kalgoorlie-Boulder City Council
- Karratha City Council
- LandCorp
- Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority
- Hon Dr Mike Nahan, MLA, Treasurer, Minister for Energy, Citizenship and Multicultural Interests
- Pilbara Ports Authority
- Pilbara Development Commission
- Shire of Ashburton
- Shire of Esperance
- Shire of Ravensthorpe
- Southern Ports Authority
- Water Corporation
- Western Australian Museum
- Western Australia Police, Gold Stealing Detection Unit
Australian development, community and professional organisations
- Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- Clontarf Foundation
- Fitzroy Basin Association Inc.
- Goldfields Indigenous Housing Association
- Goldfields Land and Sea Council, Western Australia
- Maritime Union of Australia
- Murajuga Rangers, the Pilbara Western Australia
- Ngadju Conservation, Norseman, Western Australia
- Oxfam Australia
- Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network, Esperance, Western Australia
- Transparency International
- Women in Mining, Western Australia
- World Vision Australia
- Yamatji Marpla Aboriginal Corporation
Institutions outside Australia
- International Council on Mining and Metals
- Natural Resource Governance Institute
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
- World Economic Forum
- World Bank Extractive Industries
- World Bank Institute
- African Development Bank
- African Institute for Economic Development and Planning
- African Minerals Development Centre
- African Union Commission
- Artisanal Mining Africa Network
- Building Markets, Liberia
- Copperbelt University, Zambia
- The Energy Commission Ghana
- Ghana Geological Survey Department
- Ghana Institute of Management and Public Affairs
- Inter-Ministerial Concession Committee Liberia
- Kitwe City Council, Zambia
- Makerere University, Uganda
- Malawi Institute of Management
- The Minerals Commission, Ghana
- Mines Safety Department, Zambia
- Ministry of Energy and Minerals, United Republic of Tanzania
- Office of the Prime Minister, Cameroon
- South African Institute for International Affairs
- Southern and Eastern African Mineral Centre, Tanzania
- Tanzania Minerals Audit Agency
- Uganda Human Rights Commission
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
- Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
- University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
- University of Cape Town
- University of Ghana
- University of Mines and Technology, Ghana
- University of Pretoria, South Africa
- University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
- University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon
- University of Zambia, School of Mines
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
- Zambia Revenue Authority
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
- Bengkulu University Indonesia
- Burma Lawyers Council, Thailand
- Centre for Environmental Concerns, the Philippines
- Directorate General for Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia
- Education and Training Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia
- Foundation for Economic Freedom, the Philippines
- Gender Center for Sustainable Development Mongolia
- General Agency for Specialised Inspections, Mongolia
- Government of South East Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Mindanao Development Authority, the Philippines
- Mindanao State University- General, the Philippines
- Mines and Geoscience Bureau, the Philippines
- Ministry of Economics and Finance, Cambodia
- Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mongolia
- Ministry of Mines, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Ministry of Mines and Energy, Cambodia
- Mongolian University of Science and Technology
- Mongolian Professional Institute of Geosciences and Mining
- National Committee on Gender Equality Mongolia
- National Engineering Centre, University of the Philippines
- Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and Petroleum
- Papua New Guinea Institute of National Affairs
- Papua New Guinea University of Technology
- University of Indonesia
- University of the Immaculate Conception
- University of Papua New Guinea
- University of Southeastern Philippines
- Trisakti University, Indonesia
- United Nations Development Programme, Papua New Guinea
- Women in Resource Development
- European Commission
- Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany
- German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
- Institute de Recherche pour le Developpement, Toulouse
- Imperial College London
- Mining Indaba LLC
- Wismut GmbH
North America
- Artisanal Gold Council, Canada
- Canadian International Resources and Development Institute
- Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, New York
- Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Canada
- Partnership Africa Canada
- The University of British Columbia
Latin America
- CONDESAN (Consortium for Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion)
- Fundación Casa de la Paz, Chile
- Grupo de Diálogo, Minería y Desarrollo Sostenible, Peru
- Latin American Mining Monitoring Program
- Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico, Peru
- Mendocino Business Council, Argentina
- Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines
- Sociedad Nacional de Mineria Petroleo Y Energia, Peru
- Societas Consultora de Análisis Social, Peru
- Universidad Agraria La Molina, Peru
- Universidad del Pacifico, Peru
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Universidad Nacional Ingeniero, Peru
- Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
- Women in Mining and Resources, Latin America
Mining and mining services companies and industry associations
- Abmak Associates
- Alcoa of Australia
- Alkane Resources
- Allens Linklaters
- Amalgamated Prospectors and Leaseholders Association
- Anglo Coal (Capcoal Management)
- AngloGold Ashanti
- Association of Mining and Exploration Companies
- Assetivity Asset Management Consultants
- Australia-Africa Mining Industry Group
- Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
- Barrick Gold Corporation
- African Barrick Gold
- BGC Australia
- Blackwater International Coal Centre
- BHP Billiton
- BHP Billiton Iron Ore
- BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance
- BHP Billiton Nickel West
- Cambodia Association for Mining and Exploration Companies
- Centerra Gold Inc, Mongolia
- Central Tenement Services
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Western Australia
- Chamber of Mines of the Philippines
- The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia
- Chamber of Mines of South Africa
- Citigold Corporation Ltd
- Coal and Allied
- Elemental Strategy
- Esperance Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Evolution Mining
- Fortescue Metals Group
- GHD Australia
- Gladstone Industry Leadership Group
- Glencore Xstrata
- Global Exploration Tenement Services
- Hansen Bailey
- Heron Resources
- Hunt & Humphrey Project Lawyers
- IBM Research
- Jellinbah Mining
- JK Tech
- Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines
- Karratha and Districts Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Kwinana Industries Council
- Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company, the Philippines
- Mastermyne
- Minerals Council of Australia
- Mopani Copper Mines PL, Zambia
- Nautilus Minerals
- Newcrest Mining
- Newmont
- Northparkes
- Orbis Gold
- Orica
- Pacific National
- Peabody Energy
- Perth Airport
- Philex Mining , the Philippines
- Port Waratah Coal Services
- PriceWaterhouse Coopers
- Queensland Alumina Limited
- Queensland Curtis LNG
- Queensland Magnesia
- Resolute Mining Ltd
- Resources Industry Training Council, Western Australia
- Riklan Emergency Management Services
- Rio Tinto Argyle Diamonds
- Rio Tinto, Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Community
- Rio Tinto Iron Ore
- The Safety Managers, Queensland
- Scott Mining Services
- Sekondi-Takoradi Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ghana
- Shell Australia
- Sibelco Australia Limited
- Sirolli Institute
- Sojitz Minerva Mining
- Stanwell Corporation Limited
- Sun Metals Corporation
- Sustainable Development Strategies Group
- Teng Tuuma Geoservices, Burkina Faso
- Thiess
- Toro Energy Limited
- Vale
- Visionary Earth Science
- Wesfarmers Curragh
- Wesfarmers CSBP
- Whittle Consulting
- Woodside
- Yancoal Australia Ltd